Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Bottom Line

    The bottom line on the issue of birth control is the answer to this question:  Who creates the baby?  If the baby is created at radom intervals then I create the baby.  Therefore I am creating my family, and I should try my best to control the situation to the best of my ability and my wisdom. 
   But if the baby is created only by God then it is an act only done by Him.  Therefore any birth control methods I use are designed to try to stop God from making any babies.  Some say that they use birth control and if God wants to make a baby then He will just have to do it supernaturally, because they don't want any room for an "error."  As if God would make a mistake.  (Tangent:  Do you struggle with self esteem issues?  Maybe it's because you think of yourself as an "error.")  He can do the supernatural but the point is that we are still trying to control God.  We can have sex untill we are blue in the face but it is God who unites the sperm and the egg.  I have no control over that whatsoever.  Even when going to a specialist, or using a drug, it is still God who creates the baby.
   God's Word is not silent on the topic.  Psalms states that it is God who creates us and not we ourselves.  Another chapter in Psalms states that God has created our inmost being.  Acts 17:26 also states that God creates each of us.  In the story of Jacob and Leah and Rachel we see that God is specifically opening and shuting the womb.  In Exodus God tells Moses that it is Him who makes people - those with disabilities and those without.  There are many more that confirm the fact that it is God alone who creates the baby.     
   People may say, God doesn't want me to have a big family, therefore I use birth control.  But if it is only God who creates the baby and you are not using birth control, then if God doesn't want you to have a baby you won't.  And there are many people who have small families who don't use birth control.
   Conception is not a radom occurence.  Conception is not you and God working together.  Far be it from us to have such arrogant, ignorant thoughts.  Our culture has fed us these lies.  Let us return to Christ and His Word.  Conception is God alone.  "We are His offspring." (Acts 17)  Do we believe His word?  Do we trust Him?